
..on my way to work, early in the morning.

Last night I had a great time with my friends, but I had the really unwise idea of going out for a drink after the dinner party, considering I started work early this morning. As a result, this morning I was not feeling great. On top of that I had to do the first tour in the morning, with a more advanced level of whisky knowledge and based on sensory perceptions... all the time wondering who would want to taste whisky on Boxing day at 10am... I survived!

The rest of the day has been busy. The dinner with my friends this evening has been cancelled, unfortunately, because one of my friends is not feeling well. However, that's maybe a good thing because I'm feeling really tired just now and not in the mood for socialising.

So, this evening I'll just relax. Just one more day of work before my holidays!!! Can't wait!

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments yesterday! I'm feeling better today although very tired. I hope you all had a nice time over Christmas! :)

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