
By Isabel

A Christmas walk...

One of the things we always like to do on Christmas day is go for a walk, and this was a shot taken on the way. No white Christmas here this year...
The outgoing presents all safely delivered, this was the day to open the incoming... Lots of lovely surprises! So much thought and care had gone in to choosing them, which was very much appreciated... and made me feel special!
Several special favourites, but one of particular relevance to Blipfoto was a book called "Humans of New York" by Brandon Stanton. It is a stunning collection of over 400 photos of the people of New York (in all their glory!) often with little quotes or stories to accompany the text... it is in fact a book of absolutely brilliant Blips! I recommend it highly to anyone who enjoys pictures of people!
( Thank you, GraceN... x

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