Kevin's take on life

By KevinV

Are you coming back on Friday?

I was suppose to visit my mother and aunt today however with the snow over night and early morning I have decided to stay home until tomorrow.

I took a walk in the park near noon today armed with two sandwich bags full of food for the birds and lots of peanuts for the squirrels. I managed use up most of the food before I left the park again . I had nuthatches and chickadees stopping by for seeds cardinals and blue jay and sparrows near by as well.

On the way back I had this one squirrel in the top of the tree screaming a warming that there was danger close by. I saw it was a black cat out wandering around the lake . This is one of the shots, and yes I will be back out there on Friday for my Squirrel blip.

I have posted more shots today on my Flickr Page

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