Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Fun Times Nine

We have had a grand day with our daughter, son-in-law, their daughter, her boyfriend, her younger brother, our son's daughter, and her little boy, who is our only great-grandson.

Dinner was delicious -- we served ham and turkey and all the trimmings. Everyone ate till they were stuffed. After our meal we stayed at the dining table and read around the table the Christmas story from the New Testament book of Luke, Chapter 2. Everyone had a turn, including little Tristan. We even coaxed him into singing the verse that was the angel's song.

Then we moved into the family room to open gifts. Everyone gave Tristan a hard time about whether we should start with the oldest person or the youngest. Of course his answer was the "youngest."

Our daughter and son-in-law had arrived early and they wanted us to open the gift they had brought. They gave us a brand new Nikon Coolpix. We were completely surprised. It's fairly fancy (at least for me). It has a 30x Optical wide zoom and other fancy gadgets. It doesn't fit in my pocket, so my "point and shoot" will be my iPhone.

The best gift for us was to have our daughter and son-in-law here for the festivities. The have been separated for the past 18 months. We are amazed and thrilled that they are considering getting back together. Many prayers have been voiced on their behalf.

It was good to all be together. Our son was missing because he currently lives in Arizona, and Mr. Fun's mom, Grammie Fun, would not join us. She is 91, and getting more difficult to reason with. She prepared dinner and ate at her home. We would have had 5 generations here if she had joined us (we did last year).

As everyone was leaving we put the new camera on the new tripod and used the timer to get a photo of all of us. I did not trim or crop it, so the room looks rather elongated. Oh well.

We've had a very good Christmas., and we hope you did too.

Good night from Southern California,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), Carol

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