
There's a lot of love for the Christmas holidays in the Gossage household.

It's been the best one I can remember

Boxing Day tea at the In Laws - Minnie was golden and received countless cuddles.

Tomorrow is all about the sales, packing for Cornwall and blitzing the house!

PS - I'm not allowed to tell you about how Simon dressed Minnie in her PJs on the evening but forgot to put her nappy on......we only found this out when she woke us after midnight with a wet bed. As I didn't realise what was wrong I picked her up put her on our bed and she weed all in our bed - cue us stripping beds and remaking beds at silly o clock! Hmmmmmm, naughty Daddy!!! He swears he put the nappy obviously vanished into thin air!!!

PPS - commenting will be resumed once things are a little less busy x x x

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