Christmas Day

We had a bloody smashing Christmas!

Awake at 330am - just me. I woke Simon and asked if we could get up yet...he said no
Awake at 630am - just me and Minnie. 'Can we get up yet?'. Still no.
Stayed awake and put on It's Christmas by Slade at full blast at 730am to wake the rest of the house up!
Sausages in the oven for breakfast whilst opening a stupid amount of presents.
My favourite present was a picture Simon got me - you can see it on the wall in the big photo on the collage.
Lots of presents opened - Minnie has been thoroughly spoiled as we all have.
In-Laws arrived and more presents opened
Lots of food and drink consumed
Big walk
Lots of puddings consumed
Trivial Pursuit
More drinks
Cheese and Biscuits

It's been a fabulous Christmas - we have not had the TV on all day, we've just sat around chatting and drinking and eating. Minnie has been brilliant but I think it was all a bit overwhelming for her as she stayed awake from 630am until 430pm when we went a big walk. She then slept for 4 hours, went to bed at 1030pm and has slept through until 7am this morning (I am writing this on Boxing Day)

Boxing Day we are at the In Laws where we will see Simon's brother and family. Then Friday we are getting ready for our New Year break with our friends in Cornwall, we go on Saturday. We are beside ourselves with excitement, I cant wait

PS - we had so many outtakes for the group photo and I like the ones without me best and when everyone is caught unawares :)

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