The beholder's eye

By uniqueandlovely

Sussex in December

Last time I blipped this favourite field of mine it was September 7th, and the field had just been harvested, and it was looking good in it's muted autumn colours. Now it looks bleak and bare and would look even worse but for the fact it is being used as grazing for a flock of sheep! To be honest I was quite surprised to see the sheep there, as I have never (in all the time I have been visiting this field) seen sheep there before.
Still they do add interest, and it was amusing to watch the crows swoop down and land on the sheep's backs, but that is maybe a shot for another day, when I get my camera back again.
On another note, Sussex is still VERY wet, with huge puddles blocking roads, and a fair amount of fallen trees, all chopped up now.
I can't wait for next week and January, just 31 days, and it will be February, and before you can look round March and SPRING!!!!!!!!!!!!

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