Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Cute Christmas tree and a very strange date

During my visit to mum I met one of my oldest friends. He's actually like a brother to me and we go a long way back. He has a beautiful wife and two gorgeous daughters. I brought a Christmas gift with me, as I knew he would give me dates from Dubai as a Christmas gift. These dates are really special, I gathered from the text messages I received when they were away on their trip. Very special and very, very tasty!
When they picked me up outside mums house they told me a story about their Christmas tree and how they went on a hunt as soon as they came home, to find a fir for Christmas. As this was the day before Christmas most of the firs were gone and they knew they were going to go for what ever was available. They came home with a round tree and they described it vividly to me. I had to laugh when I saw it… It was the cutest thing! Round as you can see and wouldn't win any fir tree beauty contests, if there are any of that kind… But, they've decorated it and made it really cute, so I had to blip it! And the fir agreed to be blipped… :)
We tasted some of the different kinds of dates they've brought with them home and then he came with a box for me. It was a white box and it had some text on it. I thought that it was a strange box for dates and I was so convinced it was dates that I didn't even think about the seal I had to break with my nail at the shorter end of the box… I still thought it would be dates when I opened the box and thought: That is a really strange date… it's shaped like… it's not a date at all…
To be continued… ;)

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