
By gabbahey

Non event

Today was an absolute non-starter. Logan and I had made loads of plans for getting out and about today but he wasn't so keen on the wind and asked to come home after about 10 minutes into our walk to the duck pond...oh well. He was most unimpressed when we met the old lady that lives next door who wanted to chat about the weather for 10 minutes. She managed to say the ultimate in weather related chat - "this rain we're getting is the sort that gets you wet." Is there another drier kind?!?!

I did manage to fix the leaky kitchen tap but not before I took a couple of droplet pics. I say couple, I mean about 200 - 2 of them were actually in focus and usable :)

Off out to the shops now after flicking through countless recipe books for something for dinner tonight. Still no idea what to make so i'll do my usual: pick a recipe, forget half the stuff I need (generally the main ingredient) and make it into something else entirely.

Tomorrow i'm off to see The Pixies, I cannot wait!

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