Moments in a minor key

By Dcred


A pleasant walk down by the river side this morning produced a number of reasonable choices to blip, chosen this one simply because it gives me a chance to tell a fishing joke, not that I fish mind, tried it once as a kid & spent weeks catching nothing more than seaweed so gave up!

The game warden couldn't figure out why Jack (a man of many fish but few words) always came home with a creel full of fish. The warden suspected foul play so he invited himself on a fishing trip with Jack. They boarded a small rowboat and worked their way out to the center of the lake in question. Jack reaches into his knapsack, pulls out a stick of dynamite and lights the fuse. "Now wait a minute here Jack," the game warden says, "this type of business is strictly illegal!" Jack hands him the dynamite and says, "You gonna fish or you gonna talk."

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