Exit stage left

By NessD


The long journey south. Slightly earlier than intended but as the storm was due to worsen as the evening went on we had a cooked breakfast and then headed off. Without checking the RAC app. So we didn't know about the gas leak closely half the A1 near Catterick and hit the queue several miles north. We do not really tolerate long traffic jams too well so opted for the scenic route through James Herriot country*. I had to resolutely shout down the sat nag which kept trying to take us on too short a diversion and back onto the A1 before the actual incident. Luckily I know the area moderately well and had maps up on my phone. There must be a better option with sat nave now, surely. Or maybe, our sat nag** is just a little old.

And other than that the only other eventful part of the day was K chasing this car out of a service station on foot in the middle of a downpour. Nothing major but they smashed their car door into the side of our car and then drove off when K tried to talk to them and see if there was any damage first. Quite the palaver and the only photo I took on a random day. Rubbish photo too so glad we didn't to rely on it!


* Very scenic on a good day, slightly flooded today. For once, I was "sensible" and drove the shortest possible distance on small roads and linked up with a better road rather than taking the direct route.
** A typo but very apt. It's surprisingly difficult to shout down a sat nav.

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