
By Angelique

" Stille Nacht, Heilige Nacht "

Silent Night, Holy Night composed in 1818, Austria by Franz Xaver Gruber and Joseph Mohr.

And we still sing it each Christmas!! That's what I call a lasting song.

Ventured out to Taunton this morning to collect something I had ordered. That was fine then went into New Look and bought some amazing jeans that actually fitted, for a change. But when I got home I discovered a tear in one of the legs so unfortunately, you know where I'll be going tomorrow morning!

We have had a day of visitors. This afternoon a friend came bringing all her stain glass kit as she wanted to get rid of it. So I now own my own glass grinder, soldering gun and everything else. Now Mr A wants me to start earning my keep making stained glass pieces. No pressure!

Tonight we have a fellow neighbour who lives on his own and has joined us for a Turkey Curry. He's very brave.

The weather has been very kind to us and tonight it is becoming quite cold, maybe even a frost.

Hope you have all enjoyed a peaceful Saturday, getting over all the over-eating at Christmas ready to start again for the New Year's celebrations:))

Sending my love to you all and thankyou to my faithful blip friends. You are very kind.

Sleep well, and keep warm. XX

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