
By BethAndCo

My Christmas dress xxx

I woke up this morning around 9 thinking Mike must have already got Eva up, but no, she was still fast asleep in bed. She'd gone to bed at 7.20pm last night and had slept all the way through. She hadn't had much of a sleep yesterday day time, so I knew she'd be tired, but I couldn't believe she'd slept through. :-)

I dressed Eva in the gorgeous red dress I'd planned on putting her in on Christmas Day afternoon, but she'd ended up staying in her babygrow all day. Mike got some absolutely gorgeous photos of Eva wearing her dress, just stunning. I love today's pic of her laughing and holding onto Iggle Piggle that Nanny bought her for Christmas.

We had breakfast then just played in the lounge until Eva's usual sleep time. I really didn't think she'd have a sleep, or needed one, but after a brief milk feed, I put her down and she was spark out and slept for another 2 hours, bizarre.

Uncle John and Aunty Laura came round then in the afternoon. They absolutely love seeing Eva, and Eva had lots of cuddles and was made a lovely fuss of.

Eva wolfed down her dinner tonight, and was bathed, had her milk, and was tucked up in bed by before 8pm, fast asleep.

I came downstairs and Mike and I curled up to watch 'Man Of Steel' the new Superman film, and have a few drinks. Had a lovely evening together.

Eva was stirring just as we were going up to bed, so I gave her a top up feed, she snuggled straight back down to sleep, and we all hit the sack for the night. Xxx

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