The gardener

This is one of my favourite Christmas presents. I'm not sure how many people out there will know who this is, but there's one person I know definitely knows him (yes I'm talking about you, Jane).

This is the Robot Soldier Gardener from the Japanese animated film, Laputa: Castle in the Sky, directed by Hayao Miyazaki. It's a film my sister and I watched over and over again as kids. This friendly robot was by far my favourite character. Apparently, there's a life size version of him at the Ghibli Museum in Japan, a must see sight for manga fans. If I ever go to Japan, that's where you'll find me! I mentioned this to Michael and he got me a poseable replica robot soldier for Christmas; it arrived today! Woohoo - thank you!

In other news today, I braved the sales shopping, rather unsuccessfully (or successfully, depending how you look at it).

Then tonight, went to see The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug. The best thing about the film was Benedict Cumberbatch as the voice of Smaug - very well done indeed. I think that's all I can congratulate though. I've said it before and I'll say it again - I don't see how they can make the Hobbit into 3 films! They over-padded the story so much that it was borderline ridiculous. The addition of a love sub plot was also nonsensical. Some people in the cinema clapped as it finished - what were they thinking? Clearly a filler film to bleed as much money out of the franchise as possible - hacking away at a beloved book. I've never forgiven Peter Jackson for what he did to Lord of the Rings, but now Tolkien must surely be turning in his grave!?!

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