Alpine Village!

This is a delightful Advent calendar with a difference. Each day you have to make up a little house, or shop, and add it to the village setting. It is possible to hide little treats in the houses,if wished. There are also trees to make up, so Advent can be quite busy!
It is sold by the Phoenix card company, although I am not sure if it is still available. Quite special, I think!
After a fairly relaxing morning at home, I took Russet out for a walk just before lunch.
She seems to be having some discomfort in her knees (an old problem even after two operations some years ago) which manifests itself during the night, so I was up for quite a while between 2 and 3 o'clock last night!! So this evening she has had some medicine and we are hoping for an undisturbed night!
A little tidying up in the garden this afternoon was enlivened by the many blue tits in the bushes, and the robin appeared again after a long absence!
It's very pleasant to come inside to the warmth, a cup of tea and a little piece of Christmas cake by the tree - one of the winter pleasures!

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