Bumps in the Road

By JimJ

Creepy crawlies

The wee man slept much better last night. We managed to get him down by about 7pm and he slept through to midnight before catching second wind. Given his insistence on staying up we had a nice subdued play until about 3am, before he finally settled until 7ish.

His grandma had a bit of a shock during the night though. She woke up to find a giant huntsman spider crawling on the ceiling above her bed! With everyone else asleep, it was my job to relocate the poor critter somewhere else. However, due to my indecision of exactly how to deal with him, he obviously sensed danger and decided to hide away somewhere. I searched everywhere but failed to track him down again. Instead, I consulted with Nikki and reassured Grandma that huntsman spiders aren't dangerous so she returned to bed - albeit with the light on for the rest of the night.

Later on in the day we headed out to Samford, where AJ and Michelle showed us their recently purchased plot of land (by plot I mean an acreage of luscious bush). They're planning to buy an old Queenslander house and relocate it to a new home. It's a hell of an undertaking but judging by the plans it'll be amazing!

By the time we returned to the city, Nikki, Ernie and I were all shattered so we hit the sack by 6pm.

I had hoped this would be the end of the post but unfortunately the wee man woke us up at 9pm with a fit of vomiting. He just couldn't keep anything down and continued to be sick throughout the early night. He finally joined us in bed around 1ish. Poor little fellow.

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