Live it loud!

By Lostpixel

Leaf litter - frozen!

A very frosty morning that was quite unexpected. Easily the best part of the day.

Just about to embark on some minor reorganisation in a couple of bedrooms starting with Jonathan's room. Foolishly, we decided to go to Ikea to get a bed so we can exchange it for his cabin bed. It took fifteen minutes to get in - simply because of people who insisting on finding a parking space within ten feet of the entrance. On the third floor, there were hundreds of spaces.

The - We came away with a desk but no bed. We don't see any benefit in paying a fortune for a bed as we only see two or maybe three years use from it. We already have one of the 2m long mattresses which are longer than the standard UK 6' ones.

We searched the stock area at the location given (not always going to be right) - They actually have 25 in stock in Coventry but none are available for customers because they are stacked on the high shelving, and, due to health and safety, they cannot use the fork lift during opening hours. They can't even say when one of those they do have will be relocated to the collection area. Now, if you ask me, that seems an absurd way of running a retail business. What's the point of having stock if it's not available to be sold. Apparently, this seems a common problem with Ikea according to others we know.

Now its phoning every day to find out if they have moved any. I might do this once or twice and then go buy a bed and mattress from somewhere else. I can't be bothered with places that don't want to sell to you.

Just uploaded some of the better images from yesterday's trip to Carsington Water here!

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