
By scharwenka

Baroque Christmas Decorations

"Baroque" is here used in the sense of something elaborate, with much detail (not a specific style of the 17th or 18th centuries, which would be a bit out of place in the context of this electrical excess).

This decorative fantasy is to be seen on a house almost opposite ours, on the other side of the main road, and the photograph was taken from our bedroom window (in the face of a risk of hypothermia).

Each year, the residents of this house put up an elaborate display like this, and each year it gets added to and becomes more complex. What you cannot see from the photograph is that some of the elements are flashing or moving. I gather that there is some kind of competitive aspect involving this house's neighbours, but I strongly feel this is really a display for the pleasure of the children of the house.

On high days (such as Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day) these lights are often left on all night, lending a gaudy aspect to our neighbourhood thst is not matched by much else around here...

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