Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated


Another shocking nights sleep and I knew from the moment I woke it was not going to be a good day. I would have loved to stay in bed but it is Sunday and an afternoon/evening with Mum beckoned.

Only after a few minutes into Mum's the first insult of the day was said; my hair needs cut, it looks like rats tails. (I know it's not a huge thing but the way I am feeling I can't cope with comments like that) .More followed throughout the course of the afternoon. I did tell her to stop criticising me but it made no difference.
She talked and talked, asked no questions and I said barely anything all afternoon.

I want to be with people that I want to spend time with and not with who I have to spend time with. That is what I am missing . I want to feel fun again.

Having come home, screamed, thrown a few thing and cut, now I am ready to have a big cry.

I hate having to wake up everyday.

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