Weird world of Zebedee

By zed

Home again...

To day was a long day but a good one.
We got up early and grandpire drove us to the airport and waved us goodbye as we were getting into the gate room-thingy... So everything went really well, we got on the plane, we checked in and we left and arrived back at England... Then we discovered tha we were not supposed to have our car back until 10:00pm and it was 1:00.

" NFC,hjgxjrthjtrsmhf,sent,hfkhxgdjxcgmg,!" Is practically what mum shouted at he man who tiled us that then we all calmed down and dad used his "please help me these people are driving me insane take pity on my humble soul" technique and it worked!
So we got home and snuggled up watched TV and went to B E D.

The end

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