Family Dog

By Family_Dog

the joy of socks

You will always know how behind we are with our washing by looking at Bry's socks.

It goes in this order:

Black - totally on top of it all, aren't we clever? We are talented, multi-tasking parents.

Dark Brown / Grey / combo of both - still pretty on top of it, but the good socks are somewhere in the washing process

Black sports - properly behind now, these socks make Bry's feet feel chunky in his work shoes which is why he normally shuns them - when these get rolled out, at least 1 load needs to go on

Weird pale greeny / grey - at least 2 loads behind OR one load behind, with one load recently hung up to dry

White sport socks - every single thing we own is either in the basket, in the machine or wet. It is a terrible state of affairs. We shake our heads with sorrow when it gets to the white sports sock stage.

It's quite good when it gets to White Sock Alert cos then we actually do some stuff in the house to get it all a bit more normal again. Vows and promises were made that we would sort it all out. We didn't of course, but the thought was there......

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