Family Dog

By Family_Dog

they all fall down...

I am writing this with a bit of trepidation. After the night / day we've had I should not be flouting this time in the face of the Baby Sleep God, but should actually be tucked up in bed, snoring my head off.

Still - here I am. Suffering for my art and all that!

Last night, Arlo woke up every 90 mins - 2 hours. I know that sounds like I'm exaggerating but it's bloody true. His back teeth are coming in and I think he might have an ear infection so there wasn't much we could do apart from shove Calpol and baby Nurofen down his gob whenever the right amount of hours had passed. It was a bloody nightmare though.

It's amazing how quickly you forget the early stages where life was like that every night. I like it much better getting 8 hours uninterrupted sleep! The only good thing to come out of it was that he needed a cuddle every time he woke up and as a pretty non-cuddly baby, we took complete advantage of that.

He has been pretty ill most of the day. Sleepy, teary, not really eating (apart from spoonfuls of my home made root veg soup). He perked up after a dose of medicine whenever it was administered and managed a little bit of play late in the afternoon where we built big, lovely towers for him to crash down with his cars.

I couldn't help compare his towers to life in general - I build the foundations for him and then let him build the tower brick by brick on his own, learning how to balance and place bricks in a better and stronger way each time the tower comes falling down.

I just need to make sure the foundations I put in place are worth building on top of.

I think we're all getting there.

Night Night xxxxxxxx

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