Full To Overflowing

The pond,which is normally about 3" lower than this, is overflowing.
There has been a bit of rain recently if you didn't notice.

No1 son & his missus headed off back down south late morning and I am glad to say that they got home safely.

The Cygnet was taken by SWMBO to get his (long overdue) haircut while I waited in for a parcel delivery.
When they were on-route home The Cygnet complained that they had passed our house and he wanted to see me (the boy is a crawler).
So he came in and had his lunch and showed off his natty hairdo.

When we dropped him off his sister was enjoying her beanbag chair.

We finally had to take one of our cats to the vet to be put to sleep.
She has been really unwell and not eating for a while but has been fighting the inevitable.
Even after she was given the injection by the vet she fought it for a lot longer than expected.
16 years old so definitely one of the family.

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