The beholder's eye

By uniqueandlovely

Amaryllis - Apple blossom

For as long as I can remember we have had amaryllis (either growing or cut flowers) in our house for Christmas. I love the way they grow this huge, majestic flower head out of the bare earth, sometimes even before they grow any leaves.
This year was no exception, and Mr U&L came home from Sainsubry's in November with no less than 4 bulbs of different coloured flowers. Sadly only the red flower managed to actually flower for the big day and then it only had 1 flower bud and 2 flowers, but now as we go into the new year this second bulb is flowering... This one called Apple blossom is faring better than the red one, with 2 large buds and at least 7 beautiful salmony pink and white flowers - a real beauty.
I thought I would take a macro shot, with elements of the flower out of focus to maybe enhance the mystery of it.
The last 2 bulbs have just started to grow, so I am excited to know what colour they will turn out.

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