Willow silhouettes

Another day of rain and high winds, as promised by the Met Office. I spent most of it entering botanical data for South Lincolnshire into MapMate. I'm slowly getting through the enormous backlog, but am going to have to give it a break soon to do the accounts - which are now urgent. The slightly tedious day was livened up by chatting with Chris and Lizzy on Skype, though the bad connection and lag made for a somewhat stilted conversation at times! They now have their PADI dive certificates, though unfortunately this has left Lizzy with a nasty ear infection.

By late afternoon the rain had stopped and there was even a little sunshine, so I took Rosie for a brisk and breezy blow along the Rowing Lake. The river level has dropped a lot and flooding is now restricted to the lowest lying areas. Not a lot to photograph, but I rather liked the silhouettes of these white willows against the evening sky.

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