
By Charlie17


I have decided that this is the last time I am going to blip

until 2014
Yesterday, we had a lovely lunch in Aberdeen with two friends from university days who now live near London.
Tasks for today
1. Take daughter to bus.
2. Decide on targets for 2013 ( my first one will be to keep up with the times!)
3. Do a bit of cleaning/tidying
4. Keep sober until midnight.
Not a wild night planned. Just a couple of old friends round (in that we have known them for a long time - thought I better put that in in case they read this)
I hope everyone has an enjoyable Hogmanay and best wishes to everyone for 2014.

Last favourite film: There were so many I could have/should have included, such as Don't Look Now, American History X and Dead Poets Society. However, my last one is "Tender Mercies".
Not the best known film, although Robert Duvall won a best actor Oscar for his portrayal of a country singer who has seen better days until ..... A lovely story.

A fitting song for today although it does go on a bit.

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