
By woofcity


The pups have had a fun morning waiting for the rain to stop. They have been making nests in a pile of towels circling round and round until it was just right. I nearly gave in and thought about washing something else but then I saw the casual chewing and their look of innocence which always spells bad news. Having lost their play area they settled on a shoe box to demolish. Storm sat inside to eat his way to freedom assisted by Emily. I made this a mono as I had to play with it to show up both of Storm's eyes, the joy of a dark coloured pet

A reasonable walk in the dry along the Cuckoo Trail, not the most exciting walk but a hard path. Hardly anyone out today which is a relief for us given Emily is in season, every walk makes me nervous. Stopped off to buy milk on the way home dodging the apocalypse shoppers. That's where everyone was!

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