
By woofcity

sums up today

Filthy weather again so the Husband said he'd get up for the dogs so I could lay in as we wouldn't be rushing to walk them before going out. Nice idea if he'd shut the stairgate behind him. I heard scrabble scrabble scrabble up the stairs, silence as they fly through the air to jump on the bed then my voice saying ooooof as Mr Storm lands on my stomach. Ah well, may as well get up then after three tiny tongues exfoliated my face, three tiny tails beat me up and twelve tiny paws tested my bladder control...

Most of the day was sat round waiting for the rain to stop. It didn't. We watched the World's Strongest Man which is in the top ten of things to do over New Year apparently. I gave up waiting and took the dogs out anyway. The strongmen had to pull a lorry towing a trailer with a yacht on. I expect they trained by trying to get my three sofa monsters out of the door when it's raining.

Back to the sofa for the rest of the day, thank goodness for ebooks and old films.

Happy New Year to you all, I pray 2014 will be all you hope for, a time a good health and blessings, surrounded by those you love x

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