Another Year

Amazingly it's twelve months since I completed my self-imposed challenge of taking at least one photograph every day, culminating on 31st December 2012 with a collage showing all 366 pictures.

Now here we are, 31st December 2013, and I'm publishing another collage of all the photos journalling my life in 2013. Not 366 this year, it not being a leap year, but actually 363, two photos being missing from the time I was rushed into A&E strapped in the back of an ambulance following a massive arrhythmia attack. Anyway that's my excuse, and I did manage to continue from the hospital after a couple of days.

So we come to the end of another year whilst a new one is waiting for its first picture tomorrow. Somehow I don’t think it will be disappointed.

I’d like to wish everyone a very Happy New Year; I’ll be having a tot of two of my favourite rum whilst we watch Ken Loach’s The Spirit of ’45.

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