Went for a walk and got this far

A last minute decision saw Dad join me and sister for a walk out from Old Glossop towards Mossy Lea Farm.

Dad did well and got to this gate. The path was very wet and rutted in places so it was a bit tense for us - he can't see very well and walks a little briskly making a fall look likely. He made it without a stumble and although he didn't make anything of it, I suspect it rounded his year off very well with a bit of an achievement.

Birds spotted : Fieldfare, Blackbirds, Magpie, Jay, Woodpigeion, Robin, Grey Heron, Kestrel and a lovely little flock of Redpoll.

We returned home in time to watch the New Years Eve concert from the Berlin Philharmonic and Sir Simon Rattle via Medici.Tv iPad app and HDMI cable to the TV - The wonders of modern science. If you love classical music and haven't found Medici.tv it's worth a look.

The photo was an attempt to use the Macro function on the new camera for the sign to be in focus and rest blurred. I think 6 inches closer would have been better.

Best wishes to all fellow blippers and A Happy New Year (2014 sounds better than 2013 to me)

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