
By jojobunny

Farewell 2013!

For my 365th blip I was going to take some crazy, unusual photo. I was going to look for the most awe inspiring subject, but, I had to work today!
As I was driving home, I realized the sun had not quite set yet, so I hurried to the lake, just in time to catch the last glow of the sunset. I was going to use this as my "emergency blip", in case that's all I could get.
But, the more I looked at this photo, the more I realized it was perfect. The colorful reflection of the clouds represents all the thousands of photos I have taken this year. It represents the dozens of times I have stood in this same spot capturing other sunsets, moonsets, fantastic wildlife, and the beautiful lake. It reminds me of all the days I was up before dawn, running out to get my blip of the day. It brings back the memories of this incredible year of discovery.
Taking a photo every day for a year is really a wonderful experience. It brought me to places I never would have journeyed to, even though most of those places were in my own backyard. It made me look at the world with new eyes.
This is what I discovered: Every day is a blessing. There is beauty in so many things around us, all you have to do is open your eyes. Every season holds its own beauty, from glistening snow clinging to tree branches and icicles dripping off a cliff, to the bursting of fall colors. I discovered that by spending a few hours in nature each week, has slowed my life down a little. It has put things in balance.
I discovered amazing people that live all over this world, doing the same thing I am, through Blipfoto. They have inspired me, made me laugh, and encouraged me. A wonderful community!
The glow of the setting sun reminds me of things to come. It shows me warmth and anticipation of a new day. It encourages me to think about what photo I might take for tomorrow, 2014, and a new year of blips!

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