Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Happy New Year!!

Out with the old. Pyromaniac that I am, I made my New Year’s Eve bonfire and burned up most of all the old rotten wood from the repair project on the cabin, plus a lot of brush we’d been saving. Some left for tomorrow. (We are allowed to burn from Mid-Oct to Mid-April, when it’s wet ....) It was gorgeous. This is H, with the watercolor filter on the sony. I took so many different fire pictures that when Fiona wanted us to take our family photo with all the hats Tatum made last year, (year ago blip) the battery was exhausted! :-) Since the charger is in the bag I left at home, it will be iphone or ipad from now on.. We had a great dinner with anchovies on pasta and scallops and then played a very funny story game that T got for Christmas. Had a few poppers and sparklers, early. Pretty quiet out here in the woods...

Loved the photos of the celebrations around the world. In the US, NY drops a huge ball at midnight in Times Square. But I didn’t know about other cities with their own ball-dropping traditions. According to “the Writer’s Almanac”, Atlanta, Georgia, drops a giant peach. Eastport, Maine, drops a sardine. Ocean city, Maryland, drops a beach ball. Mobile, Alabama, drops a 600 lb. electric Moon Pie (whatever that is) In Tempe, Arizona, a giant tortilla chip descends into a massive bowl of salsa. Brasstown, North Carolina, drops a plexiglass pyramid containing a live possum. And key West,Florida, drops an enormoius ruby slipper with a drag queen inside of it. !!

A day to take stock of this year and decide what changes to make for next year.
We won’t be awake at midnight to sing “We’ll take a cup of kindness yet, for auld lang syne.” but we wish everyone a wonderful 2014.

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