Love him or Loathe him

I though I would make a good start in 2014 by reading a book I was given at Xmas. It was a choice of Jeremy Clarkson or the the Broons. As a fan of Clarkson I though I would start with his book.

Now I know alot of people dislike Mr Clarkson for one reason or another but I find his book and his outlook on life to be compelling reading and whilst I do not agree with some idea's he has I do agree with most of them as he tell's it the way he see's it which in my opinion is just honesty. I have also watched all three episodes of an Idiot Abroad. Again in my opinion it is not Karl who is the idiot but the other two sat in the UK sending him off. Again he goes to these places and just say's what he feel's.

At the end of the day honesty is not something that is rewarded in today's society but it should be.

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