Over the Horizon

By overthehorizon

Parade day

Tomorrow we leave for the field for the first time with the students. We are planning on staying a week at the high camp, Rumi Loma, meaning rock outcrop in Kichwa. The day now is free and open. Coral and I put the students on food and supplies then wandered into town to get some of the never ending little errands done that never abate. Things like checking the post office for packages, buying phone cards, balancing the budget, and checking our emails in between finally getting caught up on our own lives!

Never a lull and never a dull moment. Stumbling upon a parade in the city center below the shadow of the old church. Bands marching, vendors selling treats, and columns of school girls all dressed up. These two were beckoning to me to take their photo, meanwhile Coral made out with free ice cream from an admirer stepped out of the crowd. On second thought, make that a fruity marshmally cone of sorts. Like eating one of those strange marshmallow dishes distant relatives bring on summer family reunions. Something like that, Ecuador style, parade day.

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