Over the Horizon

By overthehorizon

Subway line to the beach

Yes, that is correct. We took the subway to the beach this afternoon.

I had my doubts, I mean we are in New York City. A city of 8.1 million-something people. People stacked on top of people, and one of the most transformed places on Earth. I?m sure there are beaches but are they worth going to?

The answer is yes. Perhaps not as pristine, undeveloped, and litter free as a long deserted isle, but it is was a long golden ribbon of sand washed by the sea. A place where land meets sea, a beach! Far Rockaway Beach I believe the name was, and truly an hour by subway and bus away from the heart of Brooklyn.

It was a warm sunny Saturday afternoon, and ideal for beach lounging. We spread out a towel, soaked in the waning sun, swam in the surf, and I read a book. As you can see Jon and Sharon were loving it. I think they have come here nearly every weekend over the past summer.

I am not afraid of heights, the dark, or creepy crawly things. I have no major phobias, but I have noticed I can get a little claustrophobic. I like space to breath. I value that freedom above all else and I have to admit it has been lacking since I arrived in New York. Spending the afternoon under the blanket of a blue sky with the sound of the sea was like medicine for me, like a great unburdening of my soul. I wasn?t aware until I stepped away from it all how much I missed that. A place to simply sit in stillness and breathe deeply.

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