
By Angelique


Happy New Year celebrations were in full swing when this image appeared on the TV and we raised a glass or two of champagne to you all.

The above song I first sang when I was a mere 15 and I used to hate it. Now of course its a classic and with a full swing band and probably Michael Booble it would sound great.

The weather has been absolutely rubbish, so much so that we have all stayed in and watched films etc. including Phoebe. We caught up with programs on iplayer and she loves the nature ones. Also found a prog. on Polar Bears and she thoroughly loved that, with her head on one side, taking it all in!

My left ear is still dead, cant hear and feel my head's stuck in a drum. Thank you for all your well wishes and I'm sure it will mend itself in good time. Till then I'm continuing with the drops and pain killers.

Mr A returns to work tomorrow so has been 'gathering' himself today mentally. I am off work 'till Monday to be with Matty and he's looking forward to tomorrow with just the two of us. Just hope the weather improves so we can get out before I get 'cabin fever'.

Hope you've all survived your first day of the new year unscathed and look forward to seeing your day through your eyes. Thank you for dropping in, its nice to keep in touch. Much love xx

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