Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Happy New Year!

So none of us saw Midnight although W made a good job of seeing most of the other hours of the night! He was awake from 6am, but we managed to lie in bed until almost 8am before we got up.

It was a horribly wet and grey day. I had checked the swimming pool opening times last night so we were in the suspiciously empty car park at 9am, only to realise it didn't open until 12noon. Mummy looked at the New Year's Eve times, not the New Year's day times.

Needless to say we were back just after 12noon and spent nearly two hours messing around with dive sticks (or in W's case a floating stick)until Mummy got too cold and said we had to get out. They were both great in the awful temporary changing rooms. Carys showered herself, washed her hair and then dried and dressed herself. More impressively W managed to dry and dress himself (although initially he forgot his pants!) while I was in the shower.

The rest of the day is a bit of a blur, everyone went to bed in their own beds. W wasn't right towards the end of the day. I think the last of the anaesthetic had worn off and he was quite tearful and complaining his tongue was hurting.

Sorry to those of you who clicked on the thumbnail to fins a description that said: "Back to write later, watching Sherlock!" but the photo took a while to upload and finished just as Sherlock started. I have waited the best part of two years for this and it isn't the sort of programme you can follow while doing something else, it requires your full attention!

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