'Love Locks'

We headed off into town this morning to catch up with TeeJay & Teacherlady for some coffee and breakfast in a nice little cafe in one of Melbournes many little cafe streets as you do, and the weather was perfect.

We had met up with TeeJay in her home town in New Zealand about a year and a half ago and it was so great to be able to catch up once again on our home turf. Next time you get over here TeeJay you have to come and stay out with us ;0).
We also met up with the lovely Teacherlady who is living in Melbourne at the moment and is showing TeeJay around this part of the world.

We ate, drank, chatted, photographed and tried to keep our two monkeys amused for an hour and a half in a tiny little cafe with nowhere for them to run and be kids so our camera became their target, both shooting a number of shots in the cafe. Who knows Dylan may use one of them for his blip if he ever gets around to it?

The plan for us then was to take the kids up to the top of the Eureka Tower to see the views, but when we arrived the queue was way out the door and we only had another hour left on our parking meter so that will have to wait for another time.

On the way over to Southgate we saw all of these love locks on the pedestrian bridge, I must admit that I have crossed this bridge many times before and never noticed them, so either I've been blind to them or they are a very recent addition, anyway here is Bella checking out a few of the locks.

We then went for ice cream down at Southgate before heading back to the car. As we were walking along the river, MsMun lost all of her ice cream on the path and had to go back to the shop for a refill (structurally unsound she said).

More work on the Guinea Pig enclosure this afternoon, while being hounded by the kids to make a wooden dinosaur with them from the timber off-cuts and them wanting for me to take them on a bike ride, which we ended up doing just before dinner tonight.

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