A confused genius

By Lez11

Speed dating, maybe not

My mate Gem read my blip yesterday and asked if I wanted to go speed dating with her. I had to say no, I maybe ready to start dating again but I'm not that ready to put myself through the punishment and torture of speed dating. Not yet anyway!

The usual start to the new year, the train was late this morning and when I got into work I had 179 emails to go through (that was over a 2 week period during Christmas). I think people have forgot how talk to each other as everything is communicated via email or text nowadays.

I'm glad the German market has finally gone in Birmingham for another year anyway so I can finally have a walk around town during my lunch break without it being like rush hour in Bangkok, what a relief.

Since I've had my iPad I've become addicted to "clash of clans" (pic). Maybe I'm trying to relive my youthful nerd days when I used to be in the "role playing" club at the youth centre. Cyber punk, teenage mutant ninja turtles and advanced dungeons and dragons were my favourite role play games. Maybe I should hold a role playing reunion night with my old mates????


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