You go, girls!

Next to last cross-country meet for this season! It was cool, breezy, and overcast today, but the fall colors were beautiful as you can see. We live just a mile south of Lake Erie, but the meet was at a park 20 miles south of here. That distance away from the lake the leaves are much more vibrant, while they are still pretty green in our neighborhood. Living near a large body of water has a big impact on our weather.

Today's meet was another opportunity to practice my panning skills. I had a lot more keepers this week than last, but then last week it was raining, and I was working from under an umbrella. The two runners pictured in today's blip are on my grandson's team. The girls run first and then the boys. I love to watch the kids run; they run their hearts out, trying to improve their times. I am so proud of them all.

The trees look good in large.

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