Snow Berries!

Today the snow is whipping around, the temperature right now is at "0"
Driving around trying to find something worthwhile to photograph is almost impossible because of low visibility. I tried take a few shots of the lake with the snow, but you really couldn't see it! It looked like a white wash.
Then, I looked over by a dock on the lake and thought I saw an owl sitting there. My lens would not reach it enough to get a clear focus, so I decided to walk through the snow along the shore to get a better shot. Finally I was close enough to get it! Clear shot of what looked like a Great Horned Owl! Wow!
When I cropped it to see it better, it sure was a Great Horned Owl- a fake one!
It was one of those decoys! It made me laugh at myself!
On my way home, I happened to spy this beautiful tree, I think some kind of flowering fruit tree, covered with snow. The brilliant red berries attracted my attention. There's always something beautiful to see, even in a snowstorm!

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