Tales from the Old Mills

By Oldmills

Toot; Sweet!

Sometimes, having ones horn tooted can be very sweet indeed.
I got this write-up in The Local Rag (The Wicklow People) today.
Hasnt brought anybody extra in the door, though.
It seems I cant even GIVE books away.
Next stop, Burning Books On The Bridge.
I may be hungry, but at least I'll be warm.

ps Before the admin;,, amidnids;, the people who run this truly wonderful site shoot me, let me explain. Another blipper kindly sent me a full res image of his blip. I want to print it as a poster (its that good)
I reciptic....;, feck it, sent him a blip-voucher -to be used for books or pints in my little hamlet.
Thanks, duchamp. Ha, now youre in trouble too!!!!
No money changed hands,
but my day got better.

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