Almost There.......Normal Life is Resuming......

...Whatever normal is.
Just Rumi myself and camera this afternoon down at the river merrily clicking away...taking my time and having a fine ole time.

Had a fabulous time catching up with an old friend...we had much to catch up on...we actually ran out of time.

Update on Photo comp from last week...... I haven't heard anything so I guess that I didnt win.

And those crazy clouds of the other day were full of smoke....lightning hit a tree and started a rather large fire...apparently folk had to be evacuated from the area....glad I got off the beach quickly.
Still thinking about setting myself some challenges though ....perhaps I will start something on Monday..just for a week....see how I go.

Rumi (the poet) is having a rest...I really liked this and felt it appropriate to my day.

“Clouds come floating into my life,
no longer to carry rain or usher storm,
but to add color to my sunset sky.”
― Rabindranath Tagore

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