
By Mates


Frank is my husband in real life, and most of our dating and marriage have been reflected in the strip - although my experiences were mostly given to Tad, I gave Frank the military DADT background. This is one of my favorite strips, if only because I like to see Tad vs. Divine Forces as much as anything - also this was my twist on the whole "choosing" to be gay thing. Plus, when a hot man in a towel shows up at your door, whatareyagonnado? (Minor thing that bugs me - Frank is supposed to be much taller than Tad, but to have him standing in the door I had to cheat his height, and bring Tad down a bit, too. Most of the time you can tell by where their waists are located whether I've been moving them around in the frame to try and fit the punchline)

PS - why does Frank need a locksmith to get into the room he's renting in a house? I assume because Vanna and Zen are just off panel, hiding the keys.

(how funny is it that the angel in panel two had to take off his halo so the dialogue would fit?)

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