Day 4

Rome. We have been to Rome a couple of times, this time we wanted to see the Trevi fountain and the Spanish Steps. We decided to get the coach from the ship into Rome, normally we would catch the train, but with it being Christmas Eve, I thought that wasn't such a good idea.

Roy had the map, and off we set to find the Trevi fountain, he wouldn't believe me when I said that we were walking in the wrong direction. He was adamant that we were on the right route, after nearly half an hour of walking we asked someone, and guess what, we were in the wrong place!!! We finally found the fountain, I must say I was abit disappointed, however, I threw my coins from my right hand over my left shoulder into the fountain and made my wish.

We then tried to find the Spanish steps, eventually found them, nothing is sign posted very well, walked up them admired the view, then walked back down. I saw a lovely pair of shoes in one of the shops and I misread the label, I thought it said 170.00 euros, it was 1700,00 euros for a pair of shoes.

We stopped at a café for lunch, pizza, salad, bread a beer and a coke just under 50 euros!! The we went really decadent and had a wine and a brandy in another café whilst waiting for the coach, 14 euros and it wasn't even a large brandy or glass of wine.

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