Angry Tumult.

Trip back out to the Ferry today to feed the swans. Blowing a gale and pretty wet too. Needless to say the old loaf went down pretty well - and as soon as it was done, the bevy of swans (collective noun approved by the Zoological Society of San Diego - who am I to argue - and suitably appropriate just after Hogmanay) made their way off to harass their next unsuspecting victim.

Clearly very well fed and very tame, they are more than happy to eat from your hand at this time of year. In fact, if you don't supply the goods quickly enough they are more than happy to give you a hand to get the bread out of the bag. A couple even wanted to try out the camera to see if there was anything edible hidden in there.

Still, who can blame them. Must be really hard finding food in these conditions.

Was certainly hard for the gulls and the terns that flew in to see what was available too. The wind was so strong that they struggled to keep their positions against it. Did mean that they flew over our heads and hung there almost suspended for a while though. Really something special!

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