Big Wheel Keeps on Turning ...

.... not!

We'd promised ourselves a day in Edinburgh over the holidays. Today was that day.

Today was also the day of 'exceptional weather'.

Ellen and I had separate business at different ends of Princes St. There was a choice of car parks. I lost. So I had to walk up Princes St. This can be a joyful experience. It wasn't today.

For most of the walk (against the wind). my head was at least a foot (12 inches, 0.33m) in front of my feet (extremities of my legs). I was impressed how absorbent my jeans were. When the rain drops hit them, at considerable speed I have to say, they became part of the fabric. Eventually the skin of my legs experienced the ferocity of the weather very directly.

I arrived at my destination (HMV shop) with the front of my jeans a darker blue than when they started the journey. They were also a lot darker than the back of my jeans but I knew the return journey would restore the necessary balance. However, I found that the jeans began to dry. And so I took my time deciding on product.

The journey back seemed quicker.

The shot is of the Big Wheel. Like all of the attractions designed to liberate the contents of digestive systems, it was not turning.

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