
By StillLearning

At the end of the day ...

Today was an exceptional day. It was dry until late afternoon and even then it was more wet air than rain.

That meant a day of work outside in the garden which I am building around our house. There is a general plan for the garden which is fluid in nature - I'm not quite making it up as I go along but I do make frequent changes. And it can take some time for me to make up my mind ... So a pile of soil is often shifted to a number of places before its final home.

So today was the day for preparing the ground for a beech hedge and for starting new sections of a path. It meant much digging which is probably horticulturally not advised at this time of year. Psychologically, however, it was brilliant. Haven't been able to do anything like this for weeks.

Another shape has been formed; we are making progress. I shall sleep better tonight. Might even get the hedge in tomorrow.

Given ageing bones and muscles, a hot bath was called for. And drugs.

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