
By neilnewson

Kingston by Night

I must admit failed to take the photo I really wanted today of the Wisly Village road to Pyrford lock completely flooded out to the point where it was impossible to tell where road ended and field began. I knew it would be a near impossible shot as it caught me by surprise on the way in - unable to stop and get the SLR from the back of the van I just had to keep moving and concentrate on the road (or what was left visible of it).

I tried on the way back. Now dark I primed the Cannon for a quick stop and shoot scenario timing it so that there were no other cars around was the downfall as despite the weather many people seemed to be heading to the Anchor pub for a Friday supper and could get the SLR to focus quickly enough before another car arrived waving me on. No hope of getting out now so just kept driving.

Instead I popped out not the roof and tried a few long exposure shots of the Kingston skyline by night. Out on the roof in the buffeting wind I was amazed at how sturdy my new Xmas Present tripod was (although I felt less steady and took only four brief photos. Eventually came out with the unexpected bonus of a faint white light trail from one of the passing jets into Heathrow set against an orange glow just to the left of the sensor splurge - clean required this weekend. Might have to work on this as an idea.

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