
By MelanieMay

"It's my chocolate attack"

Chocolate makes me happy, baking makes me happy, making things for my friends makes me happy. Today I combined all three and made one of my best friends an edible gift of walnut fudge. I made it myself and packaged it myself too. I am pretty proud of my efforts.

I love to bake, but I usually deviate from the recipes and add a bit here and there, and the results have always been questionable. This time I stuck faithfully to the recipe and the fudge turned out perfectly. Lesson learned, don't fix what ain't broke!

My friend was chuffed with the gift, impressed with my effort and fudge making abilities and seemed to like the taste! Winning! I really think personal and handmade gifts are extra special so I will be trying to do more of this throughout the year.

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